If you own a 5th wheel trailer, or you are thinking about purchasing one, we offer video training and e-book training courses designed for 5th wheel trailers. We also offer video training sets for 5th wheel trailers. The sets help take the guessing out of what RV video training courses are best suited for the type of RV you own. We select all of the course material that applies to a 5th wheel and bundle it together, offering it to you at a discounted price. Please review our 5th wheel training course options below.

5th Wheel Trailer Orientation Video Course

This is an individual 5th wheel video course. We offer the most complete and easy to understand RV online training program for 5th wheel trailers available anywhere. The video training is broken down into individual chapters covering what I refer to as the three primary systems of an RV, the LP gas system, the water system and the electrical system. Sit back and relax as I walk you step-by-step through the training as it applies to your 5th wheel trailer. In addition to the three primary systems, other chapters in the course include campground set-up, RV Accessories, hitching & unhitching, RV Safety Features and much more.

Tow your 5th Wheel Like a Pro Video Course

This is an individual 5th wheel video course. Whether you already purchased a 5th wheel trailer, or you are thinking about it, this RV training program will teach you everything you need to know before you tow the trailer.  Through charts and easy to understand demonstration we take you behind the wheel to learn topics like how to select a tow vehicle, weight terms and definitions, 5 th wheel hitching and unhitching, getting ready for the road, maneuvering skills, driving techniques, braking techniques and how to back the 5 th wheel trailer.

5th Wheel Trailer Video Training Set